"Most psychologists treat the mind as disembodied, a phenomenon with little or no connection to the physical body. Conversely physicians treat the body with no regard to the mind or the emotions. But the body and mind are not separate, and we cannot treat one without the other.

Research has shown that the body can and must be healed through the mind and the mind can and must be healed through the body."

From "Molecules of Emotion"
by Candace B. Pert, Ph.D., published by Scribner





Collective consciousness, or dualistic consciousness, is the amalgam of all influences and memories accumulated since the human being exists.

Our forebearers could only be subjected to this new consciousness, having no objectivity toward it, since they where in transition from the practicum of an animal consciousness, to the practicum of a psychological conscience.

This psychological perception of reality, has developed until today, form what we call his present dualistic consciousness. This conscience is the result of an accumulation of polarized perceived experiences, which have been transmitted from incarnation to incarnation, until today. This transfer was made through the collective influence which was imposed on him because of his lack of individual consciousness. The construction of this conscience was totally built without his knowledge, and that is why today, he has no conscience of it. This astralized consciousness, acts in such an occult way, that, it is nearly impossible for an individual, unconscious of its existence, to see the effects it has on him, or on others around him. The individual who is subjected to this engulfment is like in a perpetual sleep state. That is to say that he has no individualized consciousness of his internal reality











Charles Sabourin

Private Consulting

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Metarealistic art
Métaréalisme de Charles Sabourin

Charles Sabourin